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100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Natraj World Yogshala Rishikesh

If you are a novice wishing to begin your Yoga Teacher Training programme in Rishikesh and work on your spiritual practice, this is the programme for you. This training will not only improve your Yoga asana (posture) techniques, but it will also allow you to broaden your Yogic knowledge, develop a better awareness of your body, mind, and the potential of Yoga in a fun and caring environment.

Our highly certified Yoga Teachers will assist you and ensure that you have a solid foundation and basic grasp of Yoga that will make an immediate difference in your life. At Natraj World Yogshala, the 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) is a component of the Certified Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Our Yoga Teacher Training Courses (TTC) are designed to accommodate all individual needs and schedules. If you are short on time, you may complete the first 100 hours of the Teacher Training Course (TTC) with us and the second 100 hours at any of our Teacher Training Schools within one year of completing the first 100 hours.

8 Years of Experiance

Course Overview

Get A Better Understanding Of Yoga Teacher Training With Natraj World Yogshala In Rishikesh, India

Natraj World Yogshala's 100-hour yoga teacher training course equips you with both academic and practical knowledge of yoga teacher training. It provides you with hands-on experience in all aspects of yoga, including asana, meditation, mudra, mantra, anatomy and physiology, ethics, yoga professionalism, and various other yoga techniques.

Yoga Alliance's 100-hour yoga teacher training can be combined with the 200-hour or 300-hour yoga teacher training. It broadens and expands your knowledge and practice of Yoga. It is a short-term yoga training that lasts two weeks.

Yoga feature Keys



Gentle, foundational, postural practice emphasizing alignment, breath control, and relaxation for physical and mental balance of yoga..


Dynamic, structured, physically demanding yoga with a set series of poses and synchronized breath.


Creative, fluid yoga style linking breath and movement, fostering flexibility, strength, and mindfulness.

Course Highlight

Course Fees

Shared Room: $349
Private Room: $399

Course Syllabus

Our 100 hour yoga teacher training program includes a well-rounded curriculum based on classical Indian-influenced Yoga and spiritual insights from famous scholars. Here is a condensed description of the course:

Practices of Hatha Yoga

Our Hatha Yoga techniques are rooted in ancient practices of yoga asanas from the Himalayan yogis that evolved consciousness to higher understanding. Our experienced teachers tailor lessons to each student's flexibility and strength to master poses, promoting optimal health and peace of mind. We also offer comprehensive lessons on related topics such as yoga history, Hatha Yoga basics, sequencing, breathing exercises, and postures with Sanskrit terminology.

Here are some of the common hatha yoga techniques that we teach at Natraj Yogshala:

  • Postures with their Sanskrit Names and Terminology;
  • The Basics of Hatha Yoga and the History of Yoga;
  • The Art of Sequencing;
  • The Integration of Breathing Exercises and Appropriate Postures and more.

Practices of Ashtanga Yoga

At our 100 Hour Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Course, we prioritize teaching our students the basics of Ashtanga yoga. Following a traditional approach, we guide our students through the complete primary series sequence created by K. Pattabhi Jois in a systematic manner.

Here are the details:

  • In the first week, we will learn the basics of Ashtanga yoga.
  • Week 2 focuses on standing yoga poses.
  • Sequences of seated and standing poses to finish the third week.
  • In the fourth week, students will learn how to teach in the Mysore method.

After receiving three weeks of guidance from the teacher, the Mysore-style practice will be evaluated during the fourth week. Additionally, during the last week of the course, students will be assigned to lead certain postures as a teaching exercise.

Practices of Vinyasa Flow

The contemporary yoga style of Vinyasa Yoga, often referred to as "flow" is highly popular and characterized by the seamless transition between poses. It encompasses various yoga types such as Ashtanga yoga series. In Vinyasa yoga, each movement is coordinated with the breath, which serves as an anchor during pose transitions. Ashtanga yoga also follows a fixed sequence of poses, but slight modifications may occur based on the teacher's discretion and course requirements.

  • Sanskrit Names and Terminology for Yoga Poses.
  • The Significance of Breathing in Vinyasa Flow.
  • An Overview of Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
  • Designing a Sequence for Vinyasa Flow Practice.

In the final week of class, students will be responsible for establishing their rhythm and leading the rest of the group.

Asana Alignment and Adjustment

During our 100-hour Yoga Teachers Training Course, you will receive in-depth instruction on proper asana alignment and adjustment. Our experienced instructors will equip you with the skills to guide students safely using verbal cues and physical adjustments, as well as the ability to observe and assess alignment and modify poses to accommodate diverse body types. By completing our comprehensive program, you will have the knowledge and expertise to create a secure and welcoming environment for all your students to practice yoga.

  • Importance of body alignment in yoga asanas.
  • Alignment and precision in the practice of asanas.
  • Use of Props such as blocks, straps, and blankets for correct alignment.
  • Poses timing to deepen their practice and cultivate mindfulness.
  • close attention to the details of each pose.
  • Alignment in various postures: standing, seated, backward/forward extensions, twisting, and inverted postures
  • Explanation of alignment includes: correct posture performance, common mistakes, precautions, contraindications, benefits, modifications, and adjustments (verbal and hands-on)

Anatomy and Physiology

In our sessions, we put an extreme emphasis on the understanding of Anatomy and Physiology of the body, as without this knowledge, the impact of various asanas on the body and the mind cannot be realised. The subject encompasses two main areas of anatomy: physical and spiritual. Physical anatomy covers a range of topics including the body's structure, bones, muscular and nervous systems, and more. Meanwhile, spiritual anatomy delves into concepts such as chakras, energy channels, and the five layers of the self, among others. Studying both types of anatomy enables yoga teachers to guide students towards a more holistic practice by understanding how the body and mind work together.

Physical Anatomy

  • Introduction of Body structure and Its motion.
  • Anatomical explanation of Asana.
  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Muscles, Knees, Hips, Spine, Neck, and Shoulders.
  • Anatomical Movements and Bones of the Skull, Cervical, Vertebrae, Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region.
  • Deformities of the Spine Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Tendons and Ligaments.
  • An overview of the Muscular System, Skeletal system, Respiratory System.
  • Food & Digestive System.
  • The Breathing Mechanism in Yoga, an Overview of Bandhas.

Spiritual Anatomy

  • Overview of the Nadi. (Energy Channel)
  • Overview of the Chakras. (Energy Centres)
  • Overview of the Panchakosha. (5 Layers)
  • Overview of the Pancha Mahabhuta. (5 Elements and Body Structure)
  • Overview of the Tri-Guna. (Three Attributes)
  • Overview of the Kundalini. (Prime Energy and Source of All Creativity)

History and Philosophy of Yoga

The 100-hour Yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh offered by Natraj Yogshala presents a special chance for people worldwide to enhance their understanding of yoga and share its principles and philosophy. The philosophy of yoga is based on several key concepts, including the belief in a higher power or consciousness, the importance of self-realization, and the recognition of the interconnectedness of all things. To teach yoga effectively, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and be able to communicate them well to students. The training program is an excellent opportunity to achieve both objectives.

Here you will learn:

  • Introduction of Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan) and its Evolution.
  • Introduction of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
  • Nadis (Ida, Pingala & Sushumna).
  • Introduction of Chakras.
  • Explanation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
  • Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.
  • Pancha – Vayus, Panchakoshas.
  • Sattva, Rajas & Tamas (Trigunas).
  • Four Padas of Yoga Sutras.
  • Life stories of yogis (Inspiring stories).
  • Introduction to Vedas.

Method and Rhythm of Respiration (Pranayama)

In this course, you will learn various breathing techniques to purify the body and mind. Incorporating deep and controlled breathing into your yoga practice can provide numerous benefits, The course includes a discussion of theories to deepen your knowledge, as well as regular practice of these breathing exercises.

  • Introduction and benefits of Pranayama.
  • Introduction of meditative poses and mudras.
  • Introduction of bandhas (locks) and Kumbhakas. (breath retention).
  • Breathing Techniques: Clavicular, Thoracic, and Diaphragmatic & Yogic Breathing.
  • Introduction of Pranayama. (Nadi – Sodhana, Surya – Bhedi, Chandra – Bhedi, Ujjayi, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Bhastrika, Sheetali, Sheetkari)

Methodology of Meditation (Dhyana)

Experience the true essence and significance of Meditation through our Dhyana sessions. Our school offers comprehensive teachings and practical exercises that allow you to delve deeper into your inner self, leading to improved concentration and focus by removing external disturbances. Our Meditation classes provide you with the tools and techniques to embark on an inward journey, helping you achieve a heightened sense of awareness and mental clarity. Join us and discover the transformative benefits of Dhyana Meditation.

  • Introduction of Meditation and its Importance.
  • Introduction of History and Philosophy of Meditation.
  • Tips for improving concentration and avoiding distractions during meditation.

The different meditation techniques that we teach are;

  • Om / Mantra Meditation.
  • Breath Awareness (Anapana).
  • Trataka Meditation.
  • Osho Dynamic meditation.
  • Silent Meditation & Practice Japa Meditation.
  • Ajapa Japa Meditation.
  • Antar Mouna Dhyana Meditation.
  • Nada Brahma Meditation.
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation.

Purification Methods (Shat Karma)

At our school, we prioritize the holistic health of our students by providing education on the significance of physical cleansing and maintaining balance between the body and mind. Through the practice of Shat Karmas such as Jalaneti, Rubber-neti, Eye-cleansing, Kapalbhati for lung cleansing, and Kunjal for stomach cleansing, students will learn various methods to achieve purity and balance in their physical and mental states. We believe that by integrating these practices into our curriculum, we can help our students develop healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Shat Karmas that we will practice are:

  • Jala Neti.
  • Rubber-neti.
  • Eye-cleansing.
  • Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs.
  • Kunjal - stomach cleansing.

Teaching Methodology

At our yoga school, we utilize a teaching methodology that blends traditional principles with contemporary demands. Our curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of how to prioritize a holistic approach while teaching, which encompasses physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness. Aspiring students will gain a thorough understanding of these practices.

  • Developing a suitable sequence of breathing and posture techniques for all levels, with adaptable cues.
  • Cultivating positive communication and rapport with students.
  • Managing time effectively for efficient class structure and execution.
  • Possessing essential qualities of a successful teacher, including empathy and adaptability.
  • Demonstrating and observing key principles to guide student practice safely and effectively.
  • Assisting and correcting postures for proper alignment and injury prevention.
  • Utilizing effective voice cues to guide and maintain a calm atmosphere during class.
  • Preparing mentally and emotionally to create a positive learning environment.
  • Structuring classes step-by-step for a well-rounded and effective practice.


The Yoga teacher training Course at Natraj Yogashala Rishikesh will be rated quantitatively based on a class rating of 100 hours of instruction. The following evaluations are part of this:

  • Written assessment- Upon completion of the task, you'll receive a written grade.
  • Practical evaluation: this will be scored on how well you plan and lead a real-world Yoga class.

The requirement of 90% attendance throughout the semester will be used as a criterion for each student's grade. A valid attendance rate of 90% is required, with an acceptable and understandable justification for the remaining 10% of missed classes.

Additional Learning

Students not only learn about the subtle but crucial principles of teamwork, attention, hard effort, honesty, etc. but also the detailed syllabus containing practices of each yoga asana, etc.

  • Therapy with sound vibrations.
  • Kirtan- a form of Hindu meditative music.
  • Yoga on the Beach.
  • Acro Yoga with a Partner.
  • Restorative Yoga.

Please take note that all of these supplementary classes are not required for the course but are nonetheless included.


Natraj Yogashala follows a schedule prescribed by Yoga Alliance regulations.

05:30 AMWake Up
06 :00 AMHerbal Tea.
06:15 AMMantra Chanting & Pranayama.
07:00 AMHatha / Iyengar Yoga .
09:00 AMBreakfast.
10:30 AMYoga Philosophy.
11:45 AMAnatomy & Adjustment.
01:15 PMLunch
02:00 PMSelf-study / Assignment
04:00 PMAshtanga / Vinyasa Yoga
06:15 PMMeditation
07:30 PMDinner
10:30 PMLights Out


Just as a healthy body nurtures the soul, our physical well-being thrives in a clean, safe, and hygienic environment. Natraj World Yogshala is nestled in a serene location, embraced by lush green mountains and fields. Our accommodations are meticulously designed to align with the needs of yoga teacher training courses, ensuring spaciousness and excellent ventilation. Our dedicated management is committed to maintaining impeccable cleanliness and hygiene in your rooms, enhancing your overall experience.

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Yogic Food
Foods in Yoga TTC
Satvic Food in Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Yogic Food in Natraj Yogashala

Yogic Food

Natraj world Yogshala in Rishikesh offers nourishing yogic meals as a foundation for beginning your yoga journey. Our gluten-free, yogic diet, complemented by detox teas and juices, provides a harmonious blend of essential nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, and minerals. We firmly believe that a healthy diet negates the need for medication, as the quality of our nutrition profoundly influences our capacity to meditate and engage in yoga practice.

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Ganga Aarti

Water Fall

Outdoor Excursion Trip
in India

An outdoor excursion refers to a trip or adventure that takes place in the natural environment, typically outdoors, away from urban or indoor settings.

Outdoor Excursion not included in 100 hour course fee. This is a optional Package $299.

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What is included course

Discipline Rules for Students

Smoking and alcohol are strictly forbidden on the premises. If you plan to fast, kindly notify the kitchen manager to minimize food wastage. Uphold discipline, show respect to instructors, and adhere to all regulations. Punctuality is crucial; latecomers won't be admitted to class. Settle your accounts before departing from Natraja, and return any borrowed materials like books and maps. Accommodation is provided solely for enrolled yoga students. Friends or relatives can rent separate rooms if they wish to stay on-site. Attendance at all scheduled Natraj World Yogshala programs is mandatory for students.

Refund Policy

Course fees, once paid in advance, are non-refundable. However, in the event of an emergency, students may reschedule for a later course. Should a student choose to cancel after starting the course, the fees remain non-refundable. Natraj World Yogshala does not impose any additional charges for course cancellations.